A Day at Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine - Photography by Kirk M. Rogers

I didn’t start out planning to write about this day trip… Although just a matter of hours in the field, it took far longer during the image evaluation and enhancing phase at the computer later. I’d obtained so many single exposures and multiple frame combinations experimenting with different lenses, methods and camera settings, that in the end I decided to post the results in a short, dedicated article – so here it is…

Return to a Favorite Site...

Pemaquid Point is one of my favorite places in Maine. I’ve been visiting the park and lighthouse in Bristol on occasion for many years. When a younger man and more charged with energy for all matter of endeavors, this area was one of my premier dive sites when scalloping, spear-fishing on rare occasions and when simply doing some underwater sightseeing. Back then you didn’t even need a scallop harvesting license like you do now. Area locations like Christmas Cove, Pemaquid Harbor, Fort William Henry and a place we only referred to as ‘the fence’, were visited fairly regularly on dives – and always in cold weather when time allowed – winter diving in wet suits. Have you ever viewed the Jacque Cousteau and other documentaries on television in warm waters with fish everywhere and the sea alive with life? Well, this isn’t the case in our Maine waters at normal diving depths - visibility is measured in feet, not meters, but I would comment the waters around ‘the fence’ was the one place visited that had quite a few fish swimming around and if you had a sling spear along you could actually stalk and cull one out from the group. But it was the lighthouse area and exposed granite ledge formations at Pemaquid Point that were the strongest draw and the reason for my visit this day. This is an exposed point and in calm or even better, stormy weather, the sea crashing on the shoreline is spectacular. On a normal day the power of the Atlantic Ocean is on display for all to witness, but its advisable to not get too close in case a large wave sweeps in. If sightseeing, diving the site, or hiking the ledge for exercise, care should always be taken. Should you get washed off Pemaquid Point into the Gulf of Maine and further to the Atlantic Ocean, the next stop is Europe…

View Southwest...

Canon EOS Mark III 1Ds, 1/320 second; TS-E 17mm f/4L at f/18, ISO 400. Manual Focus and Exposure Mode

Looking Southwest - Bristol, Maine

Waves Over Ledge - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine Since I had time to collect some potential HDR exposures, generally field time when birding subjects proved slow or were not the primary goal, I’d considered for several weeks getting back to Pemaquid Point. Oftentimes interesting perching birds and sea ducks can be found here so you always want to be prepared. Bristol had a resident Northern Hawk Owl a winter or two ago, a rare sighting that generated a good deal of interest, and the last time I was at the site I obtained the best White-winged Crossbill images I’d taken up to that time for archive. I asked if anyone had time or inclination to make the trip, about 1.5 hour drive time from Portland – not far, but all had things to do on a typical Saturday, so solo it was.

The day started off leisurely enough – I checked the tide chart to have an idea of what to expect, although it didn’t matter too much at this site. High tide was at 1600 hours, about the time I’d be returning probably as I'd be losing the light, so this session would be on the rising tide. I re-checked I had everything I’d need in the field and was on my way…

Waves Over Ledge - Pemaquid Point

Canon EOS Mark III 1Ds, 1/500 second at 105mm; EF24~105mm f/4L at f/13, ISO 400

Although I had my 600mm f/4L lens in the truck and ready for use if I spotted some birds of interest for possible inclusion to my website Bird Photography Index, today I planned to be a land and seascape photographer. To this end I was thinking about shorter focal length lenses and what I wished to do. I started out watching the sky over the lighthouse looking north and east. I was seeking cloud cover actually – the sky in HDR digital captures can make an image compelling should it prove dramatic. It looked like the clouds were moving in so I determined to wait a time and check the scene later. I set up the camera with the TS-E 17mm f/4L lens, an exceptional prime lens that tilts and shifts for architectural and widefield view applications. You don’t have to either tilt or shift this lens to use it, but with care in set up it has the advantage of having the entire scene in critical focus. My experimenting with this lens in the last weeks since it was purchased had demonstrated it was a keeper. There was a lot of winter-blown and leafless shrubbery bordering the topside edge as I looked down that I couldn’t shoot over to the water below. I set the tripod up high and used a toolbox from my truck to stand on to make the camera adjustments and capture the scenes in this portion of the article. Besides the 17mm prime, I also had my trusty 70~200 f/2.8L II strap mounted and available, and carried the 24~105 f/4L. I set my panorama system up, leveled everything then focused the scene with live view at 10X – there’s no auto focus on the 17mm prime, applied some tilt, spot checking both near and far objects for critical focus and was ready to go. I was shooting everything today in manual mode planning to use ‘storytelling’ apertures – f/16 and higher for depth of field, provided I could obtain sufficient shutter speed...

The View Below...

Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III, 1/320 second; TS-E 17mm f/4L at f/18, ISO 400

The View Below - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine

17mm Seascape - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine
17mm Seascape - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine

Incoming Waves - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine I took a lot more exposures than what this article will exhibit - much was repetitious as I experimented with the scenes even though this wasn’t the most dynamic, more exposed side of the point. I changed over to the 24~105 zoom to get in closer on some wave action and will post a few of these here. I’d comment that with the lighting and color (or lack of) in these scenes, there wasn’t much to be done when enhancing these exposures

Incoming Waves - Pemaquid Point

Canon EOS Mark III 1Ds, 1/500 second at 105mm; EF24~105mm f/4L at f/13, ISO 400

Seascape - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine Seascape - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine
Seascape - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine Seascape - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine
Seascape - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine

Although I wasn’t exposing for High Dynamic Range (HDR) imagery due to the wave action and motion, I had enough files with varied data that I thought I’d see about putting one or two together. Below are the results of this trial. I took the time to remove the wires in front of the homes in the fist image, and considering these weren't planned composites, I think both turned out fairly well. I’ll get more into HDR soon in this article because this is what I planned to expose for utilizing the lighthouse and buildings as subjects…

Seascapes in HDR...

Seascape in HDR - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine
Seascape in HDR - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine

Some Information About Pemaquid Point Lighthouse Park...

Information About Pemaquid Point Lighthouse Park - Bristol, Maine

After taking a group of exposures of the scenes above from several vantage points, it was time to move on. The primary subject – and like other Maine scenes photographed over and over since cameras were invented, was the keeper’s house and the lighthouse. This site has other outbuildings as well. It is both interesting and a beautiful scene in a compelling setting. Pemaquid Point is no undervalued jewel in the State of Maine; it is well known and frequently visited by people from everywhere. This is the third light I’d visited in as many weeks trying to obtain some exposures before the influx of people commenced in our state. Warm weather wasn’t here yet but it would be coming soon.

I moved the equipment back to my vehicle and thought about composition for the next group of shots before eventually going down on the ledge. The snow was gone and the ground was wet and springtime like, although it was still chilly. I was dressed for the weather and wearing boots – I knew what to expect and wanted to go wherever I thought best. After deciding to shoot from the angle I was observing from the parking lot, I set up for a series of bracketed shots.

Keeper's House with the Light Behind...

Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III, 1/250 second; EF-24~105mm f/4L, 50mm at f/14, ISO 400, Single Exposure

Keeper's House with the Light Behind - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine

The Keeper's House in High Dynamic Range...

Keeper's House in HDR - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine

View of the Keeper's House and Grounds - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine Multiple volumes have been written about HDR imaging techniques and methods. I don’t intend to get into much detail here, but in case some reading this aren’t familiar with this process, I’ll describe it briefly. The intent is to capture at least three exposures, one at a normal exposure, one at minus two stops and a third at plus two stops - the exposure order is unimportant. After exposing the bracketed sequence, checking the histograms will indicate if the information gathered covered the desired spectrum. Some photographer’s bracket anywhere from three to seven exposures in one or two stop increments for different reasons, but three will work if you check to ascertain the capture. It’s actually fairly simple and most cameras can be set up to expose brackets or it can be done manually. I don’t wish to simplify the process too much however; composition, aperture, ISO and other camera settings all play significant parts in a successful image. Like any good photograph getting it right at the camera from the start is critical. After the files are gathered they are combined in software at the computer and then the sky’s the limit on how you choose to render your version of the scene. This can be anywhere from a photorealistic appearance to a full blown psychedelic enhancement. I photographed the following scene with the 17mm f/4L prime and 24~105 f/4L zoom for different compositions. As you view the examples for most I posted single frame exposures followed by HDR counterparts...

Widefield View of the Keeper's House and Grounds

Canon EOS Mark III 1Ds, 1/250 second; TS-E 17mm f/4L at f/16, ISO 200, Single Exposure

HDR Views of the Keeper's House and Grounds...

HDR View of the Keeper's House and Grounds - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine
HDR View of the Keeper's House and Grounds - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine

Once satisfied with the sequences from the parking lot elevation I moved to the opposite side of the house and outbuildings. The 17mm prime lens was on the camera so I started closer to the buildings and moved down the ledge as the day progressed. There were people around – not many but enough where the widefield images were becoming an issue without somebody walking about in view. A group of six or eight people was standing around the pay-as-you-view binocular stand in front of the lighthouse and remained there for a long time. I’d taken my test shots, set the aperture and shutter speed in manual mode with the bracket ready to go – everything I could do to prepare was completed. It looked like I was going to have to start again as the time went by, so I walked over and asked if they’d mind moving out of view. I was polite of course, they had every right to do as they pleased, so I provided several of my cards and said if they’d help me out I’d send them a file or print of the completed image after the fact if they contacted me. I don’t mind people in photographs generally but motion in HDR sequences is best to avoid in lieu of making corrections at the computer later. Also, the dreaded wind was up on this side of the site. Anything exposed with bushes and trees in view were going to display movement. It was even worse than I realized looking at the exposures later. As I moved down the ledge and further from the buildings, the gusting wind was acting on my tripod and many exposures exhibited moment. I was shooting at ‘storytelling’ apertures with slow shutter seeds and low ISO settings...

The Light and Buildings...

Canon EOS Mark III 1Ds, 1/250 second; TS-E 17mm/f4L at f/16, ISO 200, Single Exposure

The Light and Buildings - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine

The 17mm Scene in HDR...

17mm HDR View of the Light and Buildings - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine

Light, Ledge and Buildings - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine One aspect I enjoy about Pemaquid Point is the detail, striation and color of the ledge - as does everyone else that's every been here. I knew this would be excellent with the proper lighting in photographs. I moved off the hill and onto the rock for the next group of exposures. I wanted to capture the scene with the buildings and the start of the ledge. The waves were crashing in at the end of the ledge – it runs from the hill by the buildings directly into the ocean. I tried to keep the system set up low both for composition and to form less of a wind obstruction. It was starting to become chilly as well so I wore gloves whenever I didn’t need to make critical adjustments. I was pleased with what I’d accomplished so far and was close to completing my exposure plan.

Light, Ledge and Buildings...

Canon EOS Mark III 1Ds, 1/125 second at 50mm; EF24~105mm f/4L at f/16, ISO 200, Single Exposure

Two HDR Views of the Scene...

HDR View Light, Ledge and Buildings - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine
HDR View Light, Ledge and Buildings - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine

The closer I got to the water the more problematic the wind was becoming. I moved again and set up as low as I could and still be able to compose the frame. I was on my knees when a few people walked into the scene and stood near the bell in view. And they stayed and stayed… I looked around – there were plenty of other opportunities from where I was, but I wasn’t inclined to move the tripod after getting the scene composed as I wished. I just enjoyed being at Pemaquid Point for a time and watched the people by the water observing the wave action. I don’t know how anyone else thinks about it, but photography can be a good deal of work – it is fun for certain and when you view the successful images on the computer there is a rewarding sense of accomplishment. But all the same I’ve found it requires concentration and attention to detail. Finally the people in view started working back towards the parking area – I admired their tenacity actually, it wasn’t all that warm outside. I’m going to post an HDR image exposed from this set up, followed by a pair of vertical enhancements taken afterwards…

View from the Ledge Looking South...

Canon EOS Mark III 1Ds, 1/160 second; TS-E 17mm/f4L at f/16, ISO 200, Single Exposure

View from the Ledge Looking South - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine

HDR Views from the Ledge...

HDR View Light, Ledge and Buildings - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine
HDR View Light, Ledge and Buildings - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine HDR View Light, Ledge and Buildings - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine
HDR View Light, Ledge and Buildings - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine

Rock Formation - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine Lastly I turned my attention and camera to the water and ledge looking north. I still had the 70~200 F/2.8L II zoom with me and used this for the final shots of the day. The cloud cover was consistent by now and as it got later I could see the sunlight filtering through the clouds on the horizon. I took a series of exposures including some bracketed sequences for HDR images. I’ll post examples from the balance of the shots from the day below…

Rock Formation...

Canon EOS Mark III 1Ds, 1/40 second at 200mm; EF70~2005mm f/2.8L at f/10, ISO 200, Single Exposure

Rock Formation in HDR...

Rock Formation in HDR - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine

Ledge and Waves...

Ledge and Waves - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine Ledge and Waves - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine
Ledge and Waves - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine
Ledge and Waves - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine
Ledge and Waves - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine Ledge and Waves - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine

Two Single Ledge Exposures Followed By HDR Counterparts...

Ledge and Waves - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine Ledge and Waves - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine
Ledge and Waves - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine
Ledge and Waves - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine


When I evaluated the shoot files later that evening in my digital lab I was fairly pleased. Most of what I wished to try worked out okay at the higher apertures employed although exposed at slower shutter speeds in windy conditions. Once I put the HDR exposures together and enhanced the data I was even more pleased. The HDR images in this article created beautiful prints and as I worked at the computer I produced five or six sized at 16X24” to view the high resolution finals. The results were stellar and I placed them in a portfolio along with some other work to exhibit to people over the next day or two. It’s been less than a week as I write this and now I’m not as inclined to pull them out – I’m tired of having to reprint to simply keep one available to view myself. And it got worse – an associate of mine own several hotels in Maine. He viewed the Pemaquid Point prints as well as my groups from Portland Head Light in Cape Elizabeth and Nubble light in York. He carried off the entire portfolio to show an interior designer he’s working with to retrofit the art and fixtures in his facilities. At least I still have the computer versions to view until I reprint the group. The beauty of Pemaquid Point in print form is a desirable item I’ve found. Please contact me if you’d like to view one of mine…

End of the Day...

Canon EOS Mark III 1Ds, 1/160 second; TS-E 17mm/f4L at f/10, ISO 200, Single Exposure

End of the Day - Pemaquid Point - Bristol, Maine

March 2011

A note about the photography...All images in this account are by the author unless specified otherwise. Any images viewed that are digitally framed and labeled have been added to my collection of works for sale. These are displayed when at shows and events either packaged on foam core, professionally framed or ArtiPlaq™ mounted as a final for purchase. The web versions are nice, but a full resolution print significantly enhances the beauty of these images; all are ©2011 Photography by Kirk M. Rogers - any reproduction, publication or transmission of this content without the written consent of the author is prohibited. Please contact me should you have an interest in obtaining any of the photographs.

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